Victim Assistance (575) 647-8553
Speak with a Victim Advocate
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Provide General Information regarding the Criminal Justice System
Many crime victims find the criminal justice system a frightening and intimidating process. If you are impacted by a crime or a victim of a crime, the Victim Assistance Division is here to help provide information, assistance, and support during this difficult time. Our Advocates are available to help you understand how the system works, because many victims find themselves alone, helpless, and without resources.
- Whenever you must appear in court, a Victim Advocate will keep in contact with you and be available to accompany you.
- There are many social service agencies that can help in the aftermath of a crime, our Victim Advocates can help you with all contact information.
Aid in Preparing an Application through the Crime Victim Compensation Fund
Crime Victim Compensation is a financial assistance program that helps eligible victims of crime with expenses that might occur as a result of a crime. The Victim Advocates can help you understand the requirements that must be met to be eligible for the Crime Victim Compensation fund. If you meet the basic requirements, our office will assist you in preparing the application to the New Mexico Crime Victims Reparation Commission.
*Please note: Submission of an application does not guarantee payment. (Link: